Disability Market Snapshot

People with disabilities have discoverable demands related to interacting with things and people that do not incorporate their needs. Return on Disability starts here.


How customers and employees view themselves impact their relationship with your experience. Build a bond to identity.


Disabilities’ effect on experience is contextual. It is critical to immerse in that context to build from great design.


Disability is human, yet not part of core design. Understand how disabled people use things differently – make it easier for everyone.

Market Opportunity Statistics

The disability market is large and interwoven within everything the global economy touches. This size and scope begs for core design activation.

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Global PWD Population



Global Friends & Family Population



+ T

Global PWD Disposable Income (excluding Asia/LatAm/Africa)

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+ T

Global Friends and Family Disposable Income (excluding Asia/LatAm/Africa)

User Research

Insights Gathering

We recruit users with disabilities to build insights into your experiences. We translate those insights into design adjustments that delight from disability.

Secret shopper with big red sunglasses.
Journey to Delight

Customer Experience Design

Leveraging user research and repeatable models, we work with design and agency teams to iterate to a finished product. We stay with you to adjust to the realities of go-to-market and new versions.

Talent at their Best

Employee Experience Design

Your employees demand career success. You demand productivity. We help you meet demand by designing and delivering a great employee experience incorporating needs and wants of disabled people.

Why The Return on Disability Group?

Since 2008, our team has unparalleled experience and the insights from design and transformational change – including global thought leadership on customer experience and delighting people with disabilities in design for retail and digital markets. We identified four reasons why working with us powers your team to take informed actions and next steps:

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Direct insights from users with disabilities

We have access to global data on companies and proven access/trust with disabled people to affect sustainable, impactful and meaningful actions.

World-class expert team, led by people with disabilities

Respected and internationally recognized team specialized in data, strategy, process, and new offerings which release companies to act on disability in ways that add value.

Proven approach to gather insights and adjust design – at scale

Our ‘Insights, Design, Execution’ approach is anchored in your strategy, addresses your current questions, and includes the perspectives of people with disabilities (Customer and/or Employee focused).

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Share risk and lessons learned from our Clients’ journeys

Our global clients are following, or have followed, a similar disability market journey. You get the advantage of our experience in solving this complex problem.