Beta-Testing Banking Mobile Apps

The Problem

Beta testing a banking app to ensure regulatory compliance, while identifying opportunities to maximize user experience for all.

Simply meeting accessibility design rules does not translate into a delightful customer experience. As a result, organizations miss out on opportunities to maximize market capture. Overlooking a significant portion of consumers not only decreases potential returns but also neglects opportunities to optimize the design of financial products for maximal use by all.

By designing products from disability, banks and financial institutions can deliver delight to all consumers, thereby increasing revenues and gaining competitive advantage.

Identifying common PWD pain points when using mobile banking apps

Conducting amplified user testing of client’s banking app

Uncovering determinants of positive user experience

Ensuring banking app met or exceeded regulatory requirements

What We Delivered

To analyze and address these issues, RoDG conducted a 30-day “secret shop” – recruiting PWD to use the banking app over the month-long period. Each user kept a detailed log of every transaction/interaction. These users engaged with the app as they normally would, without any assistance from RoDG. This allowed RoDG to uncover user insights without introducing any bias from researchers.

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Usability by Disability

30-Day “secret-shop” by PWD customers – not disability advocates or activists.

Real-Time Reviews

Analysis of detailed user logs kept by secret shop study participants.

Tapping into App Experiences

In-depth focus groups with study participants to uncover and understand demands, pain points and barriers.

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Onwards and Inwards

Distillation of findings to emphasize user experience throughout the entire banking ecosystem – retail, online and customer service.


Leveraging insights from actual PWD users, RoDG assisted the client to shift their design thinking from mere compliance to instead maximizing customer experience – and thus revenue – throughout their digital design ecosystem.

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Low Service Bars

Learning that up to 80% of PWD’s service interactions were failures.

Humans, Not Bots

Based on failure rate, broadening of client’s digital strategy to focus on human centred design.

Bank on PWD

Improving customer service experience throughout the banking ecosystem.

Reinstalling Experience

The App itself was technically “accessible”. The service around the App failed to meet demand.